Auburn North Public School

The Best of All Worlds for 21st Century Learners.

Telephone02 9748 1036

Dear Parents and Visitors,

Welcome to the 2025 school year. We have planned for and we expect 2025 to be our school's most dynamic and successful year in the 26 years I have been the proud principal of Auburn North Public School. 

Some of the reasons why I believe this will be an exceptional year for all members of the Auburn North FAMILY (students, staff and parents) and our school include:

1. We have assembled the most outstanding, dynamic, energetic and committed team of leaders, teachers and administrators we have ever had at Auburn North and the most outstanding I have seen in any school during my career.

2. Our K-6 students are motivated and determined to make 2025 their most successful year of learning since starting at Auburn North. 

3. We will implement improved versions of the high-quality, research-based and evidence-based leadership, teaching, learning, wellbeing, and parent participation programs and practices that have been very successful in the past.

4. We will implement new research-based and evidence-based programs to further improve teaching, learning, wellbeing, and parent participation programs and practices to achieve even better outcomes. 

5. We will collaboratively assess and evaluate our 2021-2025 school vision and school plan.

6. We will collaboratively develop our new 2026 - 2030 school vision and school plan.

Another reason why 2025 will be a successful year at Auburn North is because we are developing and implementing a very important, strategic and exciting 2025 initiative that will be unique to our school.

We are calling the initiative Auburn North's "'COLLECTIVE WHOLE SCHOOL COMMUNITY EFFICACY' to further improve student wellbeing and learning outcomes". We expect it will also improve our leadership, teaching and parent participation outcomes. 

This is a concept and term NOT found in educational research or literature but is perfect for our school at our school community's present stage of development. 

Research shows the two factors that have greatest impact on student learning in a school is the quality of the individual teacher and the level of Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE). In our school, CTE means the "extent to which our team of leaders and teachers believe our students are capable of and will achieve anything and everything."

We know we have the very best teachers for our students and we believe we have already achieved a high level of CTE. However, research shows there are six strategies a school can implement to increase the level of CTE. We will be developing and implementing each of these strategies in the future to further increase CTE and improve student wellbeing and learning outcomes. 

At the end of the 2024 school year Auburn North leaders and teachers asked themselves the following question:

"If a school can develop a school community that has a high level of collective TEACHER efficacy where teachers believe its students are capable of and will achieve anything and everything, what would be the effect if it developed 'COLLECTIVE WHOLE SCHOOL COMMUNITY EFFICACY' where all STAFF, STUDENTS and PARENTS believe its students are capable of and will achieve anything and everything?"

We are so excited about developing our school's unique 'COLLECTIVE WHOLE SCHOOL COMMUNITY EFFICACY' so all Auburn North students achieve anything and everything.

As well as student learning, student wellbeing and assisting our students develop a strong sense of belonging are absolute priorities at Auburn North.

At Auburn North we define 'sense of belonging' as 'students feeling like a valued and celebrated member of the school community, fostering an environment where their parents and caregivers are also supported as part of the Auburn North FAMILY.'

In 2024 Auburn North was very proud to be selected by the NSW Department of Education's 'Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation' (CESE) team as one of only 10 schools from its 2,200 schools across the state to participate in an important state-wide research project about 'student sense of belonging'.

Every year most NSW Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students complete Tell Them From Me (TTFM) surveys. The questions are related to each student's experiences in their school, especially their 'sense of belonging'.

Responses by Auburn North students are always very strong and always well above the state average. This is the reason why our school was selected to participate in the research.

The purpose of the research was to identify why these 10 schools always achieve high 'student sense of belonging' scores and to produce a research document with case studies that would be shared with all NSW schools to assist those schools further improve 'student sense of belonging'.

We have attached to our website the section of the research document that is about Auburn North. We hope you read it.

Please click here to view CESE's 'Sense of Belonging' paper about Auburn North.

The conclusion of the information about Auburn North is reproduced below.


"Auburn North Public School successfully cultivates a strong sense of belonging through its commitment to whole school unity, multicultural inclusion, and academic excellence.

By involving families in daily assemblies and celebrating student achievements, the school creates a unified environment where all students and their parents/guardians are considered part of the Auburn North Public School ‘family.’ The emphasis on welcoming new families through the ‘Welcome Centre’ and offering tailored support programs like Harmony House and the ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’ initiative further strengthens connections between the school and its diverse community.

The focus on academic support through collaborative teaching practices and instructional coaching ensures that both teachers and students feel supported and valued. When students feel successful with their learning, they are more likely to feel a stronger sense of belonging to school.

These comprehensive efforts collectively contribute to an environment where every member of the Auburn North Public School community feels connected and respected."

Six of our school's 2025 priorities are to assist:

1. Our students love school, love learning, and become happy, lifelong learners.

2. Our students develop outstanding literacy, numeracy, technology, and 21st century skills such as critical and creative thinking and collaboration.

3. Our students live and breathe our six school values that are honesty, kindness, respect, fairness, friendship, and responsibility.

4. Our leaders become the very best leaders they can become.

5. Our teachers become the very best teachers they can become. 

6. Our parents become active participants in their school and in their children’s learning.

We will strategically use our 4Ps to achieve outstanding outcomes in all six priority areas. Our 4Ps stand for:

  •  People (our students, staff and parents)
  •  Programs
  •  Practices


Our school's 2021 - 2025 Vision is:

‘Our Vision is to be a truly outstanding future-focused learning community for all members of the Auburn North family.'

Our school's 2021 – 2025 Mission is:

‘Our Mission is to engage students in a truly outstanding education, inspired by expert leaders and teachers in partnership with supportive families.'

We have strategically and importantly defined what we mean by “future-focused” and developed Targets to determine if we have become "truly outstanding" 

We believe if our students are going to be successful this year, in the future, and become successful life-long leaners they need to:

  1. Develop outstanding literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills.         
  2. Developing outstanding technology knowledge and skills.
  3. Develop outstanding 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and citizenship.
  4. Live and breathe our six school values which are kindness, friendship, respect, fairness, responsibility, and honesty.

In 2025 we will ensure our school leaders, teachers and parents participate in a range of high quality training programs and workshops to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to assist students develop this skill set and enable them to live and breathe our values.


“We believe we have developed a school learning community that is something special, something wonderful, something exceptional. We believe our school community appreciates each individual’s uniqueness and calls forth their potential and provides opportunities for human fulfilment.

We believe our school community serves as a model for what education can become when students, staff, and parents learn, teach, and parent together in perfect harmony to achieve THEIR Vision.” 

Our school is one of the most multicultural schools in Australia and, in fact, the world. Our students, parents and staff come from more than 60 different countries and speak more than 40 different languages. Our school really is the United Nations.

Our school's theme is 'The Best of All Worlds for 21st Century Learners'. This theme means our students, staff and parents come to Auburn North to learn and live one of life's most important lessons. That lesson is regardless of a person's cultural background, religion, language or skin colour, we are all essentially the same. We all want to live safe, happy, healthy, peaceful and successful lives. 


Auburn North Public School has been acknowledged as an outstanding learning community by the NSW Department of Education. Over the past nine years we have been presented with a range of State awards acknowledging our excellent performances and results in areas such as leadership, teaching, learning, parent participation, and community cohesion. Some of these awards include the:

  • 2023 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for School Achievement - Assisting All Teachers Become Their Very Best.'
  • 2023 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative - Developing the Mathematician Project.'
  • 2022 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for School Achievement - Auburn North's Collective Teacher Efficacy Project'.
  • 2022 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative - Commendation - 'Effective Reading Instruction Project.'
  • 2021 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for School Achievement - Auburn North's Collaborative School Culture.'
  • 2021 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative – Use of Video for Self-Reflection and Peer Reflection.'
  • 2020 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative – COVID-19 Blended Approach to Flexible Learning Project.’
  • 2019 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative - Leadership for Whole-School Improvement.'
  • 2019 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's Award for School Achievement - Parents as Partners in Learning Program.'
  • 2018 NSW Department of Education’s ‘Secretary’s Award for an Outstanding School Initiative – High Impact Teaching Strategies.’
  • 2018 NSW Departments of Education’s ‘Secretary’s School Achievement Award – Maximising the Learning, Social, and Emotional Outcomes for Refugee Students and Parents.’
  • 2017 NSW Department of Education 'Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative'.
  • 2017 NSW Department of Education's 'Secretary's School Achievement Award'.
  • NSW Director-General's 'School Achievement Award'
  • NSW Minister for Education's 'Cohesive Community School Award' (runner-up previous 2 years) 

Three of the main reasons why our school has been recognised and acknowledged as a high-performing school is because our school always achieves excellent K-6 school-based learning outcomes, NAPLAN results, and Check-In Assessment results.

According to the 'My School' website over the past eight years, our Year 3 and Year 5 students have always outperformed or significantly outperformed Similar Schools in all literacy and numeracy areas and usually outperformed the state average in all areas.

In terms of student growth or "value-added" between Year 3 to Year 5, our school usually achieves in the top 1% - 5% of all NSW public primary schools. 

In the state-wide check-in assessments of reading and numeracy over the past four years, our Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students have always outperformed Similar Schools and usually outperformed the state average.

The vast majority of our K-6 students achieve their school-based term and annual learning targets with other students effectively supported to achieve their individual learning goals. 

 These achievements demonstrate what can be achieved when staff, students, and parents teach, learn and parent together in perfect harmony to assist students EXCEED their full potential.

“Dear Auburn North Public School Team,

I hope this message finds you in great spirits. I want to share a heartwarming moment that truly reflects the exceptional support my child has received this year and always.

At a recent festive gathering, I was amazed to hear my son enthusiastically sharing with a group of children about how positively his teacher encourages and motivates everyone every day. He not only spoke about his own experiences but also inspired his friends at the festive gathering to adopt a positive mindset.

Several parents approached me, intrigued and impressed, asking which school he attends because they had never heard such uplifting words from a child about their school and teachers.

This experience reinforced my gratitude for Auburn North Public School and the incredible environment you’ve created. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to nurturing positivity and growth in our children. Your impact is profound and far-reaching, and I deeply appreciate all that you do.”

"The people at school help me feel like I belong. Every day when I wake up there is always a smile on my face because I know how lucky I am to have such fun, loving and caring teachers and friends."

"Auburn North Public School is my second home because I feel respected, accepted and valued like in my own home. I also like how we have a lot of programs such as drama, sport, PSSA, choir and dance."

"I like being at school because I know that I have loving teachers and friends who always care about me and everyone around them."

"I like being at school because of my friends and all the learning."

"What I like about our school is that it is a multicultural school that has no racism."

"I like being at school with my friends. I'm really grateful for my friends."

"I like being at school because my friends and teachers encourage me to do things I am scared of doing such as presenting leadership speeches."

"What I like about school is getting involved in activities and never being left out. Also because of the knowledge I gain every day and because of my friends."

"I like how my teachers and friends are helpful and supportive. We all are the same. In Auburn North Public School we treat people the way they want to be treated and the way we want to be treated".

"I like that everyone is friendly and the teachers are supportive and kind. It also feels like home because the teachers treat you like you are their kids."

"I'm really grateful to even be a student at Auburn North Public School. No other school can compete."

Please find below short videos of some of our highly successful 2024 and 2025 programs. These videos help capture some of the magic of the Auburn North FAMILY. 

In particular, I encourage you to watch and enjoy the videos of our 'Parents as Partners in Learning' workshops. 

Finally, I consider it an honour and an absolute privilege to be a member of the multi-award-winning Auburn North FAMILY. There are many reasons why I love being the principal of Auburn North and being a member of the Auburn North FAMILY. They include:

Our Students, who are beautiful, who live our six values, who work so hard, and who take great pride in their efforts and achievements.

Our Staff members, who are delightful, positive and happy people who work so hard and so effectively together so that our students love school, love learning, and exceed their full potential in all areas of endeavour.

Our Parents, who are so respectful and kind, who are committed to the education and welfare of their children, and who are so supportive of our staff and school.

Mark Harris

(Very Proud) Principal

Every week is Education Week


ONE of the most successful multicultural schools in the world, Auburn North Public School students hail from 60 countries and speak more than 40 different languages.
Article By Parra News

ALL members of the Auburn North FAMILY (ie. students, parents, and staff) believe ‘Every Week is Education Week at Auburn North Public School’. This is because every school day of every week it celebrates student effort and achievement.

Principal Mark Harris says they really are the United Nations, with the school’s theme since 2000 being ‘The Best of all Worlds for 21st Century Learners’.

“This theme reflects the fact that our school is blessed with a rich tapestry of cultures from around the world, where we respect each other and celebrate our own and each other’s cultures,” he said.

A multi award-winning school, Auburn North is proud to be one of the NSW Department of Education’s 10 Ambassador Schools – an official role model for other schools around the State.

In fact, Auburn North was one of the first three schools to be selected due to its outstanding NAPLAN results and K-6 learning outcomes.
Having taught primary schools and high schools in five countries, Principal Harris believes that this year’s contingent of teaching staff at Auburn North, are among the best in the world and he is excited about what 2023 will bring.

“It’s also my 23rd year here so we are sure it will be significant in many ways,” he said. “While there have been so many highlights this year already, I believe the major highlight has been the outstanding teaching and learning that has taken place in every Auburn North classroom every minute of every school day.

“We believe our school community serves as a model for what education can become when students, staff and parents work together in perfect harmony to achieve their vision.

The school’s principal, Mark Harris, has taught in primary schools and high schools in five countries and has been the principal of three schools. He believes the Auburn North students are the most delightful, well-behaved, and motivated students he has met, the parents are the most supportive and respectful he has met, and the leaders and teachers are the most dynamic, talented, hard-working, and professional educators he has seen assembled in any school.

The school community believes that Auburn North is the school for your child if you want your child to:

  • Be happy
  • Love school and love learning
  • Be taught by the most caring and outstanding teachers
  • Develop outstanding literacy and numeracy skills, technology skills, and 21st century learning skills such as collaboration and critical and creative thinking
  • Live and breathe the school’s six values including respect, kindness, and responsibility
  • Become a lifelong learner who will be prepared to succeed in high school and become an excellent young adult
From the department

Back to school webinar for parents and carers

COVID-19 update Auburn North Public School operational