Auburn North Public School

The Best of All Worlds for 21st Century Learners.

Telephone02 9748 1036


A very important indicator of the quality of our student’s ‘Basic Skills’ is our National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results for our students who are in year 3 and year 5.  Four years ago, we set ourselves a NAPLAN Target that our school had never been able to achieve. The Target was for our year 3 and year 5 students to:

  1. Outperform all year 3 and year 5 students in Similar Australian schools to Auburn North.
  2. Outperform all year 3 and year 5 students in ALL schools in NSW.

I am absolutely delighted and very proud to inform you that for the first time our year 3 and year 5 students:

  1. Outperformed all year 3 and year 5 students in Similar Australian schools to Auburn North.
  2. Outperformed all year 3 and year 5 students in ALL schools in NSW


I believe these outstanding results and our excellent K-6 classroom learning results are the results of a number of factors that include:

  • We have assembled the best and most talented team of leaders and teachers I have seen in 39 years in education, all of whom work ever so hard for our students and parents.
  • We have developed and implemented exceptional teaching and learning programs and practices.
  • Our delightful students are so motivated to always try their hardest and do their very best in their learning.
  • Our wonderful parents, who will do anything possible to support their children’s welfare and learning, including actively participating in our Harmony House programs and our ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’ Program.
  • The fact that our exceptional Auburn North Family of students, staff and parents live and learn together in perfect harmony.

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