Auburn North Public School

The Best of All Worlds for 21st Century Learners.

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Book Week 2018

Two students in book week costumes

Book Week is the longest running children’s festival in Australia and an Auburn North Tradition. This year Auburn North celebrated book week on Thursday 23rd August. The theme of Book Week 2018 was ‘Find Your Treasure’ and this theme encouraged students to realise that books are full of treasures of all kinds.

Before Book Week:

All students participated in the shared reading of the 2018 shortlisted books. The purpose of this was to promote quality texts and further develop a love of reading. From these books all classes created amazing artworks which are on display in the ANCLIC (library).

There were competitions for students from K-6 including a colouring competition for K-1. Year 2-3 students participated in a drawing competition and Year 4-6 students participated in a poetry competition based on this year’s Book Week theme ‘Find Your Treasure’. The competitions were judged and prizes were awarded during the character parades.

During Book Week:

We had a book sale, selling second hand books from our library. Our book sale was successful, raising approximately $400. This money will go towards buying new books and equipment for the library. The remaining books will be donated to charity.

On the day:

All students, teachers and parents were encouraged to dress up as a character from one of their favourite books. This has been a very enjoyable Auburn North tradition for the past several years.  Students had the opportunity to show off all their wonderful costumes during the character parades held in the hall throughout the day.

K-6 students participated in a ‘treasure hunt’ full of activities related to literacy and literature including the shared reading of books, puzzles and clues which lead the students on a treasure hunt throughout the school.