Auburn North Public School

The Best of All Worlds for 21st Century Learners.

Telephone02 9748 1036

ANPS Snapshot

Auburn North Public School 

is the school that provides




Auburn North Public School (700 students, 97%Language Background Other than English – LBOTE) participates in a range of programs including Priority Schools Program (PSP) and Schools as Community Centres (SaCC) Project. The school has developed a dynamic learning community with dedicated staff committed to continual improvement in learning outcomes through quality teaching practices and programs. The staff utilise a collaborative team approach and school priorities are literacy, numeracy, technology, and student welfare. The staff and parents enjoy a positive relationship, actively promoting the school and its students.


We believe our school provides ‘THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS'. This theme reflects the fact that our families:

  • come from more than 50 different countries; and
  • speak more than 40 different languages.


More than 20% of our students are former refugees. We have developed and implemented a New Arrivals Program (NAP) which targets students in stages 1, 2 and 3 who have lived in Australia less than 12 months. Most of our former refugee students participate in this daily program.


Our school has one .8 community language teacher for each of the following languages:




In the area of technology, our school:

  • has a number of computers in each classroom, with interactive whiteboards in ALL classrooms;
  • has established the  ANTEC (Auburn North Technology Education Centre), which has more than 20 computers, a connected classroom, and an interactive resource which includes an interactive whiteboard and a video conferencing unit;
  • has a second set of networked computers and video conferencing unit in the library (ANCLIC);
  • has 8 or more laptop computers per every year 2-6 classroom ; and
  • 42 iPads for K-1 students and 30 iPads for 2-6 students
  • has a new server and is networked for the intranet as well as the internet.


Our school's Parents' and Citizens' (P. and C.) Association meets monthly to provide parents with the opportunity in a parent forum to discuss the school's leadership and management, and student welfare and student learning programs. Our P. and C. is a harmonious team of parents which has led the development of many programs that have significantly improved our school's operation and enabled parents to play significant roles in their children's education.


The Schools as Community Centres (SaCC) program, also known as ‘Harmony House', has been successfully operating in our school since 2004. 'Harmony House' is a service for parents and families who have children from birth to 8 years of age. Program initiatives include English, maths, computer and dance classes for parents, adult and child health classes, and playgroup programs.





"Auburn North is the best school. In our school, children and adults come from different cultural backgrounds and Auburn North accepts people from all over the world. That's what makes our school a multicultural school.


We respect every culture and religion.Our school understands every child's needs and educates them equally and treats them with an equal level of respect. In Auburn North, everyone is very co-operative and respects each other.


Our teachers talk with us about empathy and they understand our needs. They are very good. We all cooperate with each other and we respect our teachers. Our belief is that Auburn North's teachers try hard to give us the best education. We have excellent teachers who devote their time for our education. We all love learning.


All these characteristics make our school the best! We are proud to be members of this school."


Year 5 Student


"I love the multiculturalism of our school and the friendly companions in our school. I also enjoy programs the school organises. My favourite program is our Community Festival Day because people from our community celebrate by eating food from all over the world and watch performances presented by our own students.  


I think the school considers our community important because we see people being friendly towards one another and helping each other. All members of our school community consider co-operation to be important because if we don't co-operate, we won't be an understanding and happy community."


Year 3 Student


"I love Auburn North because all our teachers are kind and caring and are always there to help us. Here at Auburn North, we have there many outstanding events such as our athletics and cross country carnivals and, of course, our Community Festival Day. I enjoy our Community Festival Day because we get the chance to show how proud we are of our backgrounds and we get the opportunity to try food from all around the world.

My favourite school activities are ‘It's Academic' and the choir. The reason they are my favourite activities is because you get the opportunity to perform in front of many people, which enables you to build confidence.  

I think our school considers many things to be important. Our school believes that we deserve to live in peace and harmony, that we should develop good friendships and teamwork skills, build self confidence, that we should all be co-operative and, finally, that we should respect ourselves and each other."


Year 4 Student


"At Auburn North I like the students and the teachers. Our teachers teach us the importance of respect and responsibility. I like the multiculturalism of our school and the students who have come from around the world.

Our school makes us better people because we learn more about culture, religion and language. We have great teachers who think about us and who prepare us for the future. Our school assists us to learn something new and exciting every day. Auburn North is the best school!!"


Year 6 Student


"At Auburn North I enjoy PSSA soccer because when I was in year 2, I did not know how to play but now I have many skills and experiences which I use playing against other schools in our area. I also enjoy running and scoring goals for my team and making my coach and the school proud of all our team members. Soccer is my favourite sport and I hope to one day become a Socceroo and play in the World Cup!"


Year 5 Student