29 Oct 2018
We would like to extend our gratitude to all the staff, students and community of Auburn North Public School for allowing Healthy Kids Cucina Canteen to provide a nutritiously healthy canteen at your school. We are a family run business that operates on the love of food! We have worked in various food service positions from Cafes, Restaurants to School Canteens.
Our menu has been designed to provide students and staff with homemade food that is culturally diverse, tasty and appropriate for varied dietary needs. We offer gluten free, Halal and vegetarian options. Please see our friendly staff for any requests, comments or feedback to support Auburn North Public further.
Helpful Hints and Tips:
● Orders can be completed at the canteen from 8:30am for Break 1 and Break 2. We make and cook our lunches fresh daily and do not reheat or use leftovers.
● Ice blocks or ice creams can only be purchased at the canteen Break 1 or Break 2.
● Please speak to your child as you place the lunch order so they are aware they are receiving a delicious lunch from the canteen that day. We wouldn’t want any child missing out.
● At times we will add new and exciting treats for loose change. We understand what it’s like to be young and want to spend 20c at the ‘tuckshop’
Our staff are dedicated to making our canteen clean, healthy and affordable for all. Please feel free to pop in and introduce yourself.
Sue and Eva